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About the centre

About the centre

Welcome to the Centre for Living Agroecology and Food Systems. We research, educate, consult and train for sustainable agriculture and food systems of tomorrow.

Through innovative approaches for sustainable development of agriculture and food systems based on agroecology and its principles, we strive to create resilient systems that provide environmental health, social equity, and economic viability. For this we are conducting research, providing expertise, education and training and engaging collaboration with local, national and international stakeholders, to promote and support the agroecological transition of agri-food sectors.

Goals & objectives

Research Excellence

We aim to conduct cutting-edge research in agroecology, sustainable farming practices, and food system transitions. Through an interdisciplinary approach, we seek to generate scientific knowledge and co-create knowledge with stakeholders that can inform practitioners, professionals and policy makers of agriculture and food worlds.

Societal Commitment

By working closely with farmers, local stakeholders, professionals of the food sector, environmental organizations, academic institutions, we strive to support agroecological transitions in the agricultural and food systems sectors. Through these collaborations we aim to meet the global challenges of adapting to climate change, reducing the impact of production on the environment, relocating supply chains and revitalizing rural areas.

Education, Training and Outreach

Our center is dedicated to provide education and training opportunities for students, farmers, practitioners and other stakeholders. We want to provide reliable and easily accessible sources of information for actors of the agriculture and food sectors, policy makers, academics but also for citizens, and the broader community. Through educational programmes, training, scientific seminars, and public conferences we aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to promote, through agroecology, more sustainable agriculture and food systems.

Our vision of agroecology

For us, agroecology is considered as a science, a set of agricultural practices and a social movement (Wezel et al. 2009) supporting sustainable agriculture , social justice, food sovereignty and fair share of value in food systems.

It aims to optimize the interplay among plants, animals, humans, and the environment, while also promoting just and fair food systems that empower individuals to make informed choices about their diets and the production methods they support. Agroecology is therefore a transdisciplinary approach, encompassing ecological, socio-cultural, technological, economic, and political dimensions from production to consumption. It serves as a comprehensive and overarching framework for shaping public policies geared towards fostering more sustainable agriculture and food systems (FAO, 2024). Rooted in grassroots and territorial processes, agroecology facilitates the development of tailored solutions to local challenges, placing people at the forefront. 13 principles of Agroecology are key for the process of transition toward sustainable food systems (HLPE 2019, Wezel et al. 2020).


HLPE. 2019. Agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome.

Wezel, A., Bellon, S., Doré, T., Francis, C., Vallod, D., David, C. (2009). Agroecology as a science, a movement and a practice. A review. Agronomy for sustainable development, 29, 503-515.

Wezel, A., Gemmill Herren, B., Bezner Kerr, R., Barrios, E., Gonçalves, A.L.R, Sinclair, F. (2020). Agroecological principles and elements and their implications for transitioning to sustainable food systems. A review. Agronomy of Sustainable Development 40:40.

Our team

Meet our interdisciplinary staff of researchers, experts and consultants!

Our researchers belong to the Agroecology and Environment (AGE) and Rural Studies Laboratory (LER) research units.

Our experts and consultants offer services and training adapted to your needs through our consulting office Isara conseil.

Collectif de chercheurs du Centre d'Agroécologie
Equipe Isara Conseil

We work with

Over the last 10 years we worked together with several international partners in different projects to support agroecology and support agroecological transitions.

Among them are: Agroecology Europe, Agroecology Coalition, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cornell University, Coventry University, Wageningen University, University of Gastronomic Science

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