On 20th and 21st January 2025, the CLAS will have the pleasure of welcoming Ms Georgina Catacora-Vargas, a researcher focused on participatory action research on socio-economic and social-ecological aspects of agriculture, food systems, and biosafety of emerging technologies.
Ms Catacora-Vargas, professor at the Academic Peasant Unit ‘Tiawanacu’ of the Bolivian Catholic University, is Member of the IPES-Food panel, President of SOCLA (the Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology) and Advisor to the Agroecology Fund.
During her visit, she will deliver a webinar on ‘Silent agroecology – examples from Bolivia and Europe’ on 20th January, 12h30-13h30.
Together with Alexander Wezel, Research Director at ISARA, she will discuss and show examples of where agroecology exists or is already being implemented, but is not visible or recognised as such by local people, farmers, stakeholders or policy makers
To join the webinar, please use the following link.